Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Post

On a mere whim I decided to create one of these, we'll see if I actually keep it up. It sounded like a cute idea, good way to keep a journal without having to deal with the actual book part of it all, (typing is just so much more efficient.) so it might actually happen. I watched That Thing You Do somewhat recently, so that was the inspiration behind my blog title and url. Points for creativity? Maybe not. But its a great movie. However, I'm going to go try to figure out the rest of this blogging business. Wish me luck! :]


  1. Ha! I found it! :) Love the fish. I need to see that movie. See you....Tuesday! :D

  2. you commented on tori's first. how dare you!!!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world Alyssa! And've never seen "That Thing You Do???" What?!
    love ya both!
    sis. Bosley
